AleSmith Speedway Stout - Bourbon Barrel Aged

AleSmith Speedway Stout - Bourbon Barrel Aged

Special Markings: Gold foil neck and white numbering above rear label. Some bottles have paper labels, some do not.

We’ve matured our Russian Imperial Stout in premium bourbon barrels for up to one year to create the perfect blend of flavors. Notes of oak, vanilla, and bourbon add another level of complexity to this beer’s already massive flavor profile of chocolate, Ryan Bros. Coffee, and roasted barley. Designed to be enjoyed now or aged in the bottle for years to come, this special release is truly a unique beer that is smooth as it is rare.
942 reviews
San Diego, United States

Community reviews

4.0 Roast and plenty of bourbon. Nicely done, though I feel this is something that would have been more novel and groundbreaking 15 years ago. Props for being a forefather though. Rated in that sense it's pretty damn superior. Compared to the plethora of bourbon barrel aged stouts now, perhaps less novel. Bourbon and roast. Oak. Coffee less evident than base beer. Black pour with decent mocha head. Bitter finish. Bottle.
4.2 12oz bottle 2022 vintage - 13.3% - pours thick black with a quickly receding puffy orange tan head and no lacing ….. aroma of vanilla, dark fruits, cocoa, fudge, light bourbon and oak notes, caramel - toffee, roasted coffee and chocolate malts …… taste is of roasted malts, dry cocoa, some oak, vanilla, toffee, coffee, fudge, dark fruits and some bourbon …. More dry oak and depth are added by the barrel aging …. Abv Is hidden well …. A classic throwback imperial stout … thick bodied, dry and oily mouthfeel …. Finish is of vanilla, dry oak, dark fruits, coffee and cocoa …. Lovely brew
3.8 Tap @ Our table, Mikkeller Bar, Copenhagen 20220513. Roasted malty and woody with coffee and bourbon, medium body with an oily texture. The finish is bitter.
4.0 Tap @ Our table Mikkeller bar 12/5-22. Roasted malty with coffee, chocolate, wood and bourbon. Body is full, roasted finish.
4.1 Flaska från systembolaget. Svart öl med fylligt beiget skum. Trevlig öl med fina toner av choklad, kaffe och vanilj. Torr fin avslutning.
4.7 Nearly black with a brown head. Aroma is coffee, fudge, brownies, wood, smoke, caramel, and dark fruit. Taste is heavy sweet, heavy bitter, and very light coffee sourness.
4.3 10 ounce sniffer glass, at Lizardville in Copley, Ohio. Sweet bourbon aromas. Black in color with thin tan head. 2020 vintage. Taste the bourbon, malt, and an incredible sweetness to this wonderful beer. Heavy bodied and smooth for the high percentage beer. Does have bourbon burn aftertaste. This beer is just delightful. Cheers!
5.0 2019 edition. Appearance- oily midnight black, a small tan fizzy head. Aroma is amazing- chocolate, caramel, fudge cake, oaky woody barrel, boozy dark fruit, treacle, pecan pie, ashy roast malt, pipe smoke hints, leather, tarmac, rich coffee, earthy roast dark malts. Taste is thick chocolate, brownie, caramel swirl ice cream, toffee fudge, sticky dark malt, vanilla, oak barrel, tiramisu, espresso, bourbon, roast malt, ashy hints, treacle toffee. Bourbon in the finish. An amazing array of flavours and the mouthfeel is perfect. Lengthy sweet boozy finish. What a beer.
4.0 330ml bottle. Black with tan head. Deep aroma full of coffee bean, fudge, tar, oak. Taste is well balanced, complex, great depth to it. Impressive.
5.0 Liquide noir avec mousse très courte et blanche. Nez café bourbon vanille chêne réglisse. En bouche, c'est une attaque café puissante immédiatement suivie par l'apport du bourbon, de la vanille, du sucre caramélisé et de la réglisse ! Proprement exceptionnel !!!
4.5 (Bottle) Black colour with brief, foamy, pale brown head. Malty, roasted nose with espresso, dark chocolate, cacao, bourbon, vanilla, wood, burnt sugar and raisins. Malty, roasted, slightly vinous taste with notes of dark chocolate, liquorice, black coffee, bourbon, vanilla, wood, raisins, molasses and a balanced coffee bitterness in a finish with a warming bourbon touch. Full body, quite sweet. Rich and powerful, with a mellow and rounded mouthfeel and great balance. Generous bourbon presence. You can sense the alcohol, but it just adds another layer. Lovely beer!
4.3 Tan head quickly dissipates to barely cover a still black beer. Big aroma of bourbon and coffee apparent as soon as you open the bottle. Taste is beautifully blended coffee, bourbon and dark fruit, some sweetness from burnt brown sugar. Last beer of 2020 and a great way to end a dog of a year.
4.3 Tight tan head left a cover on a black still body. Huge aroma of coffee & malt. Full bodied, super smooth with a sticky back. Coffee, malt, boozy, raisins, toffee & caramel. Banging!
4.4 From bottle to tulip glass. The aroma on this one wafts across the table before you can sit down to enjoy it! Massive bourbon along all fronts. Black with deep brown highlights and a large, chocolate brown head that fades. Aroma is booze and chocolate. Flavor leans into the barrel with full whiskey. Back half is baker's chocolate. Chewy cocoa on the mouthfeel and flavor ends with a slight roast that is wonderful.
4.2 Vi er inne i den mørke avdeling på Mi2 nå, og etter Kingpin Turbo Geezer og Brooklyn Black Ops har seremonimesteren funnet frem denne fra Cardinals innerste gjemmer: nesten helt svart med ok skum. O du salige, her snakker vi om en suveren dybde og smaksrikdom, elegant balansert. Fatlagringen bidrar med vanilje. Dark and powerful.
4.4 [Tasting - Viborg] Aroma: Dark chocolate, coffee, bourbon, sweet liqourice, fudge, coconut and roasted malt Appearance: Pitch black with no head Taste: Moderately sweet and bitter, dark chocolate, bitter coffee, bourbon, slight alcoholic, sweet liqourice, slight vanilla, fudge and coconut Mouthfeel: Creamy texture with soft carbonation Overall: Delicious BA masterpiece from Alesmith!
4.5 Pitch black with minimal brown head. Aroma of bourbon with vanilla. Taste has intense coffee with bourbon and vanilla notes. Full body, average carbonation. Overall this is an excellent beer but i was expecting more. Still great beer
3.7 0,15l on tap @ Pien Brewpub. Pours very dark brown with a tan head. Aroma is dry roasted malts with oak and bourbon. Flavor is dry roasted malts, bourbon, oak, hops. Good, but not as good as the normal version.
4.4 Svart med lys brunt skum. Lukter fat, bourbon, kaffe, marsipan og noe sitrusskall. Fyldig. Smaker bourbon, kaffe, salt lakris, eik og drueskall. Lang.
4.7 W aromacie czekolada deserowa, kawa, migdały, beczka oraz szlachetny alkohol. W smaku baaardzo bogato: czekolada i pralinki kontrowane espresso, nutami beczki oraz w tle migdałami. Połączenie jest harmonijne - żaden smak nie zagłusza reszty. Piwo bardzo dobrze ułożone - alkohol zupełnie niewyczuwalny
4.0 330 ml bottle, Cardinal Pub & Bar, Stavanger. ABV is 13.0%. Pitch black colour, minimal brown head. Aroma of roast malts, bourbon whiskey, oak, chocolate and vanilla, a hint of fusel alcohols. Very moderate carbonation, but not lifeless. Rich and warming mouthfeel. The flavour has the same elements as the aroma, but is not too sweet. A very good beer, but personally I prefer the "ordinary" Speedway Stout.
4.5 Fad. En af mine hvaler. Kulsort øl med et flot skumhoved. Duften er bourbon, vanille og chokolade. Smagen er ekstrem balanceret og fantastisk. Super øl.
4.0 Pours pitch black with medium beige head. Roasted malts, chocolate, prunes, coffee, vanilla, dark fruits, bourbon, warming alcohol. Full body, oily texture and flat carbonation.
4.6 Tall boy can from Total Wine in Clear Lake. Everything an imperial stout should be. However, a bit overrated.... Would definitely get again
4.1 Fles gedeeld door Benzai. Zwart stroperig bier met weinig schuim dat snel weg trekt. Aroma van Bourbon, koffie en karamel. Het bier heeft de smaak van koffie en Bourbon en is kleverig in de mond. Nasmaak met pit van de alcohol.
4.4 Alesmith Barrel Aged Speedway Stout (BBA), 13%, 11 fl oz bottle, 2019 ed. This beer essentially cost me £35 which is pretty outrageous, let's be honest. In saying that, it is a great beer that lives up to the hype for me. Meaty vanilla oak and chocolate aroma with peanut brittle and coffee cake. Has a touch too much of that BBA meatiness for me but it's nice. Body is rounded and oily. Taste is where this takes off. Not too sweet, which is important for my tastes. Coffee, charred wood, enduring bitterness with a touch of alcohol spice. Spicy and woody yet with chocolate and sweetened coffee. Exceptional taste and body. Yep this is worthy of being differentiated from other imperial stouts but of course it's never going to be 4x better as the price would suggest. I'm not disappointed with the purchase but it's certainly a one-off. (8-4-10-5-17=4.4)
3.8 33cl-fles van bij Bierhalle Deconinck te Vichte. U: Zwart met een dunne bruine schuimkraag. G: Hout, geroosterd, melasse, gedroogd fruit fruit, chocolade en bourbon. S: Zoet met een lichte bitterheid. Veel melasse, bourbon, wat gedroogd fruit, vanille en koffie. Alcoholwarmte. M: Volmondig met een lichte carbonatie. Licht sticky.
4.4 Bottle at home from Ghost Whale. Pours jet black with a dirty tan head. Aroma is chocolate, coconut, marshmallow, boozy bourbon and coffee. Taste is chocolate, coffee, coconut, marshmallow, boozy bourbon zing. Lovely and balanced. Smooth and boozy. Fantastic.
4.3 Piwo czarne jak smoła z brazową, szybko redukującą się pianą do obrączki przylegającej do ścianek szkła. W aromacie kawa, ciastko czekoladowe, kokos, mokre drewno, likier czekoladowy, praliny, stosunkowo mało wanilii (ale też ją czuć). Po chwili wychodzi również wyraźna orzechowość. W smaku ta orzechowość jest również wyraźna. Poza tym czuć kawę, czekoladę, praliny, migdały, odrobinę mokrego drewna, kokos, wanilię. Smakuje jak ciastko czekoladowe podlane bourbonem i popite espresso. Piwo jest raczej słodkie, ale nie do przesady. Sporo ciała, w smaku alkohol w postaci rozgrzewania, wysycenie mogłoby być niższe. Trochę obawiałem się, że to piwo będzie przereklamowane, ale zaskoczyłem się pozytywnie. Gdyby nie to wysycenie, to byłoby idealnie.
4.3 Tap at Kultainen Apina. Abbey 13%. Pours black with beige head. Aroma and taste have roasted malts, bourbon barrel, coffee, chocolate, dried fruits. licorice. Full body, oily texture, soft carbonation, roasted finish with warming alcohol. Just excellent.