Cigar City Hunahpu's Imperial Stout - Double Barrel Aged

Cigar City Hunahpu's Imperial Stout - Double Barrel Aged

50% aged in Rum barrels, 50% aged in Apple Brandy barrels
337 reviews
Tampa, United States

Community reviews

4.5 Bottle, many thanks anstei & dzudohonor! Black color with beige head. Aroma is cinnamon, apple brandy funk, cocoa, vanilla, rum. Taste is hot chocolate, cinnamon, chili. Lots of cinnamon stick in the back, pepperoni aftertaste. Silky mouthfeel with medium carbonation. Amazing beer, but I think I like regular Hunahpu better - this is more edgy though. It gets better and better with every sip!
4.6 W aromacie gorzka czekolada, bombonierka, papryczki, nuty beczkowe, nuty rumu. W smaku półsłodkie, lekko ostre. Na finiszu praliny, lekka paloność, znów przyjemne papryczki i delikatny cynamon. Alkohol szlachetny, gładkie, bardzo intensywne, dużo ciała, bardzo dobrze ułożone. Świetne piwo.
4.6 Barwa mega nieprzejrzyscie czarna, z brunatna pianka. W aromacie mega papryczki wegierskie wedzone, troche apple barrel rum i pralinki. Poezja. W smaku papryczki, pralinki i deserowa czekolada. Papryczki ostre na idealnym poziomie. Rewelacja, cialo poezja, cynamon, szlachetny alkohol, wysycenie niskie. Po ogrzaniu duzo zyskuje. Klasa swiatowa i zasluzony hype.
4.7 Aromas of cinnamon, vanilla, spice and peppers. Flavors are all that and then some. Cinnamon really pops and the heat is the perfect amount. Nice and viscous. Amazing what the barrel aging does to an already awesome beer.
3.4 Refrigerated 75 cL brown bottle poured into a glass. Aroma is potatoes, thick body, low carbonation, and little lacing. Taste is chocolate, rum, and brandy,
4.3 Dark beer with a brown slick for a head. Really earthy nose with barrel notes. Very complex beer. Sitting here the back of my throat is simmering with the pepper. Sweet caramel and brown sugar, sweet rum, dried fruit, pepper flavor and heat, milk chocolate and warming alcohol. Really nice beer.
4.5 Pours a thick, oily pitch black coloration with a small, creamy head. The beer downright sticks to the glass as you swirl it, leaving a short-lived film of dark beer and white lace. Smell is somewwhat subdued, pretty underwheming compared to the taste. Cinnamon is most noticeable, with a sort of odd earthy, musty, woody aroma being pretty dominant as well. Perhaps a hint of coconut there. Taste is quite complex, lots of chocolate and rum noticeable at first, with a decent bit of cinnamon and vanilla coming through as well. The chili really grows as you drink and the beer warms. Quite noticeable in the aftertaste in a really pleasant way. Quite a bit of warm boozyness there as well, but very smooth and mellow at the same time. Mouthfeel really is fantastic, very thick, sticky, almost oily and very smooth. I was considering waiting for CBS for my 100th review, but I think this one will do nicely.
4.3 Full of roasted malts, toffee, molasses, very rich and extremely well balanced. Nice cinnamon profile. The chili profile is slightly accented in the end. Taste is sweet for the whole of degustation. Full body. This, velvety and creamy texture.
4.5 Weinig tot geen schuim, pik zwart. Ruikt kruidig, zoet, appel, zoete drank, geroosterd. Smaakt dik, zoet, kruidig, appel. Heerlijk.
4.5 Mooie zwarte kleur met een kleine, doch goede kraag. Ruikt vol vol, vanille, rum, appel, herfstfruit. Smaakt vol, zoetig, appel, fruitig, alcohol. Anders dan anders, maar heerlijk.
4.4 Superzwart, geen schuim. Ruikt heerlijk barrel aged. Dik, stroperig, heel zoet, beetje appel idd. Erg lekker!
4.4 Chilli, wood, rum, brandy, fruits, extremely complicated, earthy, barrel, very plesant to sniff. Nicely balanced, smooth. Overall extreme good beer, but i don't think that it will be in my TOP 10.
4.2 Aromat: ziemistość, mokre drewno, cynamon mniej wyczuwalny niż w wersji nieleżakowanej (naprawdę nieznaczny), przyjemne utlenienie w typie trochę suszone owoce, lekko wyczuwalna czekolada, brandy. Smak: lekko drażniąca ostrość bardziej wyczuwalna (niekoniecznie z papryczek, być może większy wpływ ma tutaj beczka po rumie), przyjemna wytrawność, gorzkość taka właśnie rumowo-ostra. Poza tym w smaku jest wyczuwalne to samo co w aromacie. Piana jest lepsza niż w wersji nieleżakowanej. Piwo jest wymagające, niełatwe. Jak dla mnie jest bardzo dobre, ale nie genialne.
4.5 Potężny aromat, uderza czekoladowmi pralinami z orzechami. Po ochłonięciu wyłapać można rum i cukier kandyzowany, kakao i lekką paprykę. W smaku potężne bardzo czekoladowe. Jest jak gęsta gorzka czekolada do picia. Gorzkie kakao, wanilia, niuanse kokosa i mocne rozgrzewanie chili – wyraźnie mocniejsze niż w podstawce.
4.5 Fruity, plums, spicy finish. Very complex, just a hint of alcohol, lots of plums and nuts. Barrels made great work.
3.9 Batch 2. Thanks Virby44 for sharing the bottle! Poured into a snifter showing pitch black with very thin translucent brown rims and very sparse latte colored foam. The nose shows strong rum influence with moderately intense fruit forward notes of apple and cinnamon. The palate is oily, slick, and well carbonated. Cinnamon forward spiciness with a strong rum background throughout. Mid-palate warms up with chilies, followed by light notes of baked apple, finished by more apple, cinnamon, and a moderate coffee bitterness to tie it off. Moderate spiciness throughout.
4.0 Bottle at Hopishop 2017. Black pour. Aroma of spicey herbal chili, fruity brandy, rum and lots of booze. Taste has cherry, smooth chili heat, apples, red fruit, caramel and a spicey finish. Quite the experience.
4.4 Oxford tastings; vintage 2016 Pitch black. Dark chocolate, hot spices and booze; pretty much what you are looking at. Vanilla, roasted nuts, maple and pecan ice cream, then more waves of chili pepper; moderately sweet, but full bodied. Extreme, not elegant, just extreme.
3.9 750ml bottle @ Alex's. Pours an opaque black with a small brown head. Nose is barrels, wood, and molasses. Flavour is molasses, leather, slight ashtray, spices, Worcestershire. It's a bit rough with booze and then the chili spice lingers on the palate quite a bit.
4.0 750ml bottle at Alex's (thx, Hugo V.!). Pours a very dark brown with a weak brown head. Aroma (first nose was sundried tomatoes with chocolate!) is cinnamon, sweet. Kind of similar to regular Huna. Taste is veeery spicy, woody, with some brandy notes. Not really a my style, but it is good.
4.2 Very dark brown. No head. On the nose, strong and sugary, the rum notes seeming more evident. On the palate, a whack of cinnamon, extra sweet sugars, toffee, molasses, and then there's a cinnamon, nutmeg, touch of anchoish rich and delicious. Here, the barrel shows with a touch of rum, but aside from some late heat I'm not sure there's much of the brandy barrel. The spicy chile and cinnamon still comes through in the finish.
4.4 What can you say? It's the pinnacle of saisons. The slightly tangy, slightly fruity, but so refreshing. It's definitely the standard.
4.5 PAKK 2017 - PAKK 2017 - W aromacie śliwka w czekoladzie, bardzo gorzka czekolada, przyprawy świąteczne do piernika. Po ogrzaniu ujawnia się przyjemna beczka. Po nalaniu piana bardzo szybko opadła. O dziwo piwo nie było bardzo gęste. W smaku ponownie czekolada, kawa, przyprawowy, dosyć wytrawne. Na sam koniec pojawiła sie bardzo delikatna nuta sosu sojowego. Piwo pite przy akompaniamencie strzelających w ognisku polan wprowadza w bardzo miły stan rozluźnienia
4.3 2016. Awesome work of the two barrels. Apple, rum, cinnamon, sweet choco, harsh hot peppers (in a good way). Med to full body. Rich and complexed. Not heavy but definitely demanding one. A small dose is enough. Worth trying.
4.5 02.05.2014, tap @ CBC: Nice dark brown creamy longlasting head. Aroma is slightly sweet, dark sugar, dark malts, vanilla, mild sweet bourbon, cinnamon, chili, chocolate, raisins, grass. Taste is very sweet syrupy, dark sugar, oak, dark malts, alcohol, chili, cocoa, grass, coffee, vanilla, cinnamon, mild sweet bourbon, raisins, hay. Medium to longlasting bitterness, dry mouthfeel, nice warming chili touch. Very nice!
4.2 Rating #5000... Bottle courtesy of Wilkes and Lynn: black pour, tan head that leaves a ring. aroma of chocolate, vanilla, woody. tastes are apple butter, cinnamon, light chili spice, molasses, bitter dark chocolate, barrel woody, remarkably low booziness, caramel, background bourbon/brandy. crazy complex sipper.
4.4 Friends gift@ pours black color with creamy brown dissipating head. Aroma: intense roasted grain, dark malts, vanillin/ vanilla, lots of cinnamon some chilli notes, cacao nibs, apple brandy & sweet rum. Flavour follows aroma: (IMO!: too) intense cinnamon, decent vanilla (vanillin) chilli burnt, perfectly blended with booze of a sweet rum and apple brandy. Body is full almost thick, texture velvetly, creamy, carbonation is low to moderate. It would be perfect to taste it head to head with Perennial BA Abraxas & Prairie Pirate Paradise.
4.2 Bottle. Pour is super rich viscous black with a thin tan head. Aroma is sweeter than expected with lots cinnamon and light heat. Flavor is similar with cinnamon toast crunch and vanilla with notable heat in The finish. Real nice.
4.8 Pours thick motor oil, creamy tan head. Aroma is huge apple brandy, cinnamon, milk chocolate, oak, Taste: big mouth fell, full of apple brandy, rum sweetness, coconut, lots of peppers in the finish. Amazing beer.
4.1 2016 bottle. Nose is almost shockingly vegetal. Spices and coffee take a back seat. Body, look and flavor are more like expected, though I prefer just apple brandy to the double. Cinnamon and peppers and coffee more evident, decent amounts of chocolate and barrel. Boody is smooth even with the back end heat, and it pours like motor oil with deep cocoa head. If it weren’t for the nose, this would be a favorite. Too expensive to get again.