De Dolle Stille Nacht Reserva 2000

De Dolle Stille Nacht Reserva 2000

De Dolle Stille Nacht Reserva is a specially matured version of De Dolle Stille Nacht. This version of Stille Nacht is matured for 18 months on first fill bordeaux casks.
214 reviews
Diksmuide, Belgium

Community reviews

3.5 Bottle: Murky, swampy copper body. Opaque. Thin bubbly beige collar that fades quickly. Aroma of wet dog, wet cardboard, musty strawberry, some toasted caramel, a faint bit of metallic caramel, floral notes, & mild cork. Taste has a bigger, sweet caramel & toffee presence. A touch of cardboard but lots of sugary sweetness. Lightly floral. Notes of wild strawberry, cork, musty paper, & honey biscuits. Faint citrus. Slightly oxidized. Overall, very nice considering the age. Very glad to try this one.
4.7 Really special excellent raste! I highly recommend this beer, has rich flavor and taste. Strong beer.
4.6 How: Bottle. Where: Kulminator, Antwerp. Appearance: Hazy dark amber/brown colour with a minimal head. Aroma: Fruit, caramel, port, raisin. Body: Full body, lots of carbonation. Flavour: Full, somewhat burned flavour of fruit, spices, raisin, malt. Comment: An amazing beer that has aged very well. One of the best, if not the best, Christmas beers I’ve tasted and by far the best version of Stille Nacht tasted so far.
4.5 10th September 2011 Cloudy orange - brown beer. Decent sized white head. Nose reminds me very much of a Vintage Port cork that has just been pulled. Palate is soft and semi dry and quite well carbonated. Mild caramel malt backbone, tasting slightly aged. Riding over all this are rich wine notes. Red wine with strawberry and then later on blackberry and blackcurrant. Agitating the beer produces some lactose on the nose. Aniseed becomes more obvious. There is a surprising amount of carbonation here and much agitation is required to remove it! The finish is dry and woody. This is the most Port like beer I’ve ever had. Even the Port barrel beers have not been this porty. If you look at recent ratings people are saying this is past it’s best. Who knows but judging it on it’s own merit it’s still quite remarkable it it’s uniqueness and rich flavour. The alcohol is still quite robust. The most surprising thing about this is that De Dolle have never redone this. 2013 postscript - they must have read my mind! 15th January 2016 That’ll be me 20K then @ ChrisO’s. Almost clear orange beer, small cream colour head. Light palate, decent fine carbonation. Lovely Port Wine flavours with vibrant crystallised fruits. Mild floralness and spice. Touch of fresher red berries. Light semi dry finish. 15+ years on and still fabulous.
5.0 Bottle thanks to a good friend and shared with him Some specific details about this beer that will affect my rating points on this This beer was held in a colling room at constant temperature for the past 12 years, i’m mearly stating this because i was sceptic about keeping beer chilled all those years and i thought it would kill some of the flavours. This beer has proved me wrong, as most raters tend to say the beer had gone sour i can’t do anything but saying this beer wasn’t sour at all and has held up superbly !!! Head: bottle fizzed ( not gushing just making a sound ) and carbonation was still pretty damn good, white but very thin had that gets out of the way after a couple of minutes Colour: totally clear , golden/amberish Smell: sweet malts, touch of honey, ever so slight booze that blends perfectly with the other scents, touch of dairy Taste: texture is thick and sweet just like a fine high quality Sauternes !!, superb flavours that are impossible to describe, i don’t know what the beer tsted like fresh, but it’s probabbly pretty close but mellowed to what it actually was, i have never ever had a aged beer that was so balanced, smooth, lively and perfect after 12 ( and even less ) years of aging !. I never give beers a 5-star rating because i think the perfect beer doesn’t exist, but i’ve been proven wrong , this beer is perfect in my eyes, and if i would be able to trade my cellar for this beer i would do it without a doubt !!! Loud hooray for De Dolle, the best brewery of Belgium !!
3.8 750mL Bottle, poured at the B. United table of Beervana - Cranston, RI. Thanks to Matthias for opening this gem. I can’t believe I actually got to try this beer. I had to wait in line for a long time, but it happened. I think the age makes this a bit anticlimatic, as the nose opens with a fair dose of oxidation, despite persistent carbonation and a solid cork. Interestingly, the wet apple note that comes with the oxidation seems to bolster the Calvados-like nature of this beer. The warm, spiced fruit and cooked apple characters of this beer persist and the heat continues to show. Sparklingly dry. A treat for sure, but past its prime.
4.0 Thanks a lot to madmitch for the chance to try this rare beer. Looks good in the glass, not as dark as exspected, small head. Malty-old aroma. Starts very strong, intense malty, hints of caramel and wood. More and more fiery-alcoholic without being too much. Well balanced. Fruity hints of beeries, a bit sourish. Warming aftertaste, goes down burning. Probably already a bit over its top, but still an awesome beer!
5.0 opened this to celebrate my new job. Look: light brown color with a small head nose: honey,malts sweet dark fruits, caramel and red fruit taste: honey, malts, sweet dark fruits, caramel, red fruits, wooden tones, grapes and a nice light bitter finish feel: full body soft cabonation overall: last time i had this was 4 yeears ago. How much better this one got! No signs of oxidation at all,pity how a whole group of danish with probably a badly stored bottle imply this one is over the top. Amazingly complex.
3.4 Golden with a small white head. A bit dusty aroma with caramel and vineous fruit. Sweet caramel flavour with dusty cellar, dried fruit and sherry. Not in the best shape, hopefully I’ll get another chance some day.
4.0 Bottle from yespr at Københavnske Øldage 2011. Thanks!! Smells of light raisins. Pours a light brown with no head. Very sweet and bitter with light acidic hints. Malty aromas of caramel, hay and molasses with hints of nuts. Also aromas of raisins, dates and port with hints of prunes, apples and cask wood. Full bodied. Soft carbonation. Longish, dry finish. All in all a very full flavoured beer.
3.7 Thank you, yespr. Oxized aroma, some port, vanilla and honey. Cloudy amber colour. Off-white head. Very sweet flavour, slightly oxidized. Nice honey aftertaste. OK alcohol level to balance, burns nicely. Quite good for its age.
2.8 Bottled@Yespr’s blindtasting. Amber colour, not much head. Aroma is cardboard, mild fruits, some very cardboardy notes as well. Flavour is cardboard, fruits, mild spices, some wooden notes as well as sourness and mild oxidised notes. Too bad with the cardboardy notes...
3.7 Bottle 750ml. @ yespr blindtasting. [ Bottle #11. ] [ As De Dolle Stille Nacht Reserva 2000 ]. Unclear medium grey amber orange color with a small, frothy, fair lacing, mostly diminishing, off-white head. Aroma is moderate to heavy malty, toasted, caramel, overriped friut, oxidide, dried fruit, wood notes. Flavour is heaavy sweet and light to moderate bitter with a long duration, plum - overriped fruit, oxdide malt, alcohol, medera, dried fruit. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft, finish feel is light to moderate alcoholic. Thanks for sharing this very rare beer yesper .. ;O)) [20110526] 7-2-8-3-16 Bottle 750ml. shared at [ A Day To Sink All Sea Shepards tasting. ], Brussels, Belgium. [ As De Dolle Stille Nacht Reserva 2000 ]. Murky matt medium orange color with a small, fizzy, fair lacing, mostly diminishing, off-white head. Aroma is moderate malty, sweet malt, cookie, caramel, oxidide malt, riped fruit, dried fruit, moderate yeasty, apricot, wood, alcohol, light bread. Flavor is moderate to heavy sweet and light light acidic with a long duration, sweet malt, fruity malt, oxidide, bread, soft yeast, apricot, dried fruit - riped fruit. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft, finish feel is light alcoholic. [20160917] 7-2-8-4-16
3.4 Bottle 75 cl. Blind tasting. Courtesy of yespr. Pours a cloudy opaque amber golden with a small off-white head. Sweetish caramellish nose, overripe fruit and heavily oxidized. Medium body, same flavours: caramel, overripe fruit, even a touch of tobacco - but again the oxidization dominates. Still drinkable though. 260511
3.8 75 cL bottle. Pours hazy orange with a very small head. Aroma is wooden, caramelish and somewhat oxidised. Sweet caramelish and dense wooden. Mld acidic, fruity and sweet. Very mellow and nicely balanced. Slight bitter, caramelish and lingering fruity into the finish.
4.0 Bottle at Yespr - Blind Tasting #11. Clear amber/orange - white head. Sweetness, toffee, sharpness, oxidation, green valnuts, raisins, dried fruits, fruity, wooden notes, wine notes, caramel, light grapes, dryness, honey, brown sugar. Nice - but on the way down !!!!
4.3 Malzig-saurer Geruch, harmonisch. Malzig und vergoren fruchtiger Antrunk sowie Mittelteil, etwas süßlich, außerordentlich harmonisch. Im Mittelteil wird das Bier würziger was zum leicht sauren Hopfen passt, der schnell wieder verschwindet. Weiter sehr würzig, angenehm süß. Süffig, harmonisch, stark, lecker. Riesen Dankeschön an den Doppelbock für die Ermöglichung des Tests von diesem seltenen Stück. 11/13/11/13/13/13
3.6 Bottle at yespr blind tasting. Thanks a million for sharing this one, what a surprise. cloudy orange, small white head. Aroma is defiently old beer, oxidized note, lots of booze but very mild nonetheless. flavor is sweet, slightly oxidized, booze, slight fruity tinge, good balance. complex.
3.8 Bottled. Blind no 11 @ Yesprs. Orange coloured. Unclear. Dense beige head. Aroma of fruits, alcohol, spice, caramel. Flavour of fruits, vague liqourice, marzipan, caramel. Slightly occidated. Medium to full bodied. Alcoholdense fruity and syrupy end. Seems past its prime.
4.0 Bottle at yesprs blindtasting. Hazy orange coloured with a small white head. Sweet aroma of caramel, dried fruits and marzipan with oxidized notes. Sweet and fruity flavour of dried fruits, caramel and marzipan with notes of sherry. Sweet finish.
4.0 750ml bottle shared at a beer friends birthday party. I’d been saving this beer for years! Wow, the years have been very kind to this beer! Still quite sweet but an awesome beer. Well worth the wait!
3.4 bottle provided by bu11zeye. Yay! My 100th rating lol! Poured a hazy caramel brown. Aroma was of brown sugar, banana, and sour cherry. Flavor was of brown sugar, tart cherry, and apple. Light carbonation. Not too bad!! Kind of tart!
4.0 Sampled at woodshop 5.0. Pours a deep translucent amber. Aroma is sweet and fruity, with cherries, prunes, raisins, and an understated sourness. Flavor has golden raisins, chocolate, orange peel, and some alcohol, very well balanced. I’ve been told that the bottle I had the pleasure of being able to sample wasn’t among the best examples of this beer.
4.2 Rating #2000 Original rating from about 2 years ago. I was lucky to have this again just recently thanks to chrisq, but sadly that bottle just hadn’t quite held up nearly as well. It was a bit more oxidized and seemed rather muted. Bottle shared with 3/4 and kmweaver. Sweet vinous nose, lots of candied red fruits, toffee and caramel in abundance, light oxidation. Sweetness is upfront on the taste, but it’s not overwhelming, alcohol is there, but kept in check. Caramel and toffee is lightly oxidized producing a sherry note along with a bit of figs and raisins. The red fruits are still very bright and vibrant. Finish is oaky and tannic with a bit of vanilla. An amazing treat. Thanks for sharing guys!
4.8 Holy Shit, I never thought Id get to try this, Thanks to OteyJ! Pour is a murky orange with a surprisingly lively head of offwhite. Aroma is lively as well, Apricot and nectar fruit dominate in the nose, A bit of brandy, very vinous, great sweet vanilla barrel notes, super creamy and perfectly carbonated. Falvor is bursting with sweet molasses, sweet barrel notes, white wine, caramel, with a strong finish of maple candy. Incredible, Jaw dropping, This is a vivacious beer that despite its age is one of the best Ive tasted
4.8 Probably the best bonus ever. Honestly, are you kidding? Oteyj, jblauvs, and I are about to enjoy this to the absolute fullest. Pours a murky, brownish orange with a small bubbly head, nice lacing that renews incredibly well considering how old this stuff is. Aroma is incredible: tons of nectar fruit like apricot and nectarine, great sweet vinous notes, wood from the barrel aging, raisin and other dark fruits, and some angel food cake and Belgian yeast. Flavor is absolutely freakish. Huge notes of maple candy, nectarine, grape, caramel, brown sugar, plum, raisin, and wine-- so sweet, but so unbelievably good. Palate is obscenely smooth; 12% ABV what? This beer left my mouth agape, my jaw on the floor, and my love of Belgian beers renewed. Could be my favorite beer ever.
4.8 MASSIVE thanks to Bo at BA. The pour is opaque apricot with a small white head and low carbonation. The aroma is massively nectar oriented with huge vinous barrel notes, fruity dough, massive dark fruit. The flavor is transcendent. Massive caramel, dark fruit, nectar fruit, dough, grapes, maple syrup, brown sugar, plum, and fig. The alcohol simply isn’t noticeable. The palate is perfect- massively viscous with a sticky coating mouthfeel that doesn’t ever quit. Absolutely divine.
4.5 Bottle shared by Chris Q. At Woodshop. Pours a deep sunset orange with a bubbly white ring, nice lacing was let on my tulip. Aromas and flavors of candied dark fruits with some caramel apple and brown sugar. Pretty damn tasty stuff.
4.7 Chris, are you shitting me? I mean really. I cannot believe I actually got to try this beer. Holy shit. Holy crap. Fruity aroma, with a great bit of fruit and oak on the tongue. Flavor is sweet and bready. Goddamn, fuck it. I just want to say thanks to Chris. You rock brother. You rock.
4.7 A Beer I thought I would never get to try. Bottle opened by Chris Q at Woodshop 5.0. Bottle poured fast as expected, thanks fully Denim Dave, found me in the bathroom and I got to try a quite small taste out of his glass. Thats more of this beer than most people will ever get to try and that makes me happy. Pour is orange with a bright white ring. Nose is sweet. Taste is sweet, rich with lots of dark fruits, EPIC!!!!!!