La Trappe Blond

La Trappe Blond

Bottle. Filtered, then bottled with sugar and yeast.

Ingredients: Water, Barley malt, Hops, Yeast.

This scintillating golden ale boasts a rich, fruity, and fresh aroma. And a light malty and sweet taste. It has a soft bitterness with a friendly aftertaste. A well-balanced blend of complexity and simplicity. La Trappe Blond continues to ferment in the bottle.
1236 reviews
Berkel-Enschot, Netherlands

Community reviews

3.6 Yeme - prijemny lahsi golden ale, korenisty, dobre syteny, moze byt :)
3.5 W aromacie nuty drożdżowe, fenolowe, kwiatowe, zbożowe W smaku słodkie. Pijalność wysoka, smukłe, gładkie. Ogólnie przyjemny belgijski pale ale.
3.5 Nalewa się jasnozłote, praktycznie klarowne, z leciutkim zmętnieniem, obfita, gęsta jasna piana. W zapachu słodowo-zbożowo, fenolowo ale bez wyraźnej przewagi ani banana ani goździka. Wysokie nasycenie, dosyć wytrawne, w smaku mniej czuć fenole, dalej lekko zbożowe, jest nawet jakaś goryczka.
3.8 Bottle from Ocado online. Amber pour with a white head. Nose is banana, vanilla, orange marmalade, hint of tropical fruits. Taste is banana, barley sugar, citric peel. Long sweet finish.
3.6 Nice aromatic, typical blond. They tend to be sweet, but this one is well-balanced with a bit of bitterness. Dark golden, slightly turbid appearance and stable, fine foam.
3.5 zeer zacht van smaak best lekker
2.7 75cL bottle at home Hazy, but transparent golden with a small white head. Weak aroma of the all familiar yeast used by many trappist breweries, notes of orange. Mild, somewhat fruity taste with a bit of malty sweetness. Alcohol is present, but balanced. Texture is foamy and watery. Admittedly not my preferred style. 4-3-6-2-12
3.6 08-2023 Aromat słodu, drożdży i przypraw czyli taka Belgia oraz banan. Złociste opalizujące, biała piana opada W smaku trochę wytrawne aczkolwiek trochę słodkości jest, ale takiej zbożowej, goryczka niska raczej taka przyprawowa Nagazowanie średnie, lekkie, orzeźwiające, bez ostrości. Ogólnie piwo do wypicia w stylu, raczej dobre, takie na codzień
3.7 W aromacie głównie: przyprawy, gałka muszkatołowa, kolendra, galaretka owocowa, biały pieprz. Smak słodki, wyczuwalne owoce pestkowe, galaretka wiśniowa, wiśnie, jest trochę fenoli, takich jak gałka muszkatołowa, zioła prowansalskie. Pełnia średniowysoka, nagazowanie średnioniskie, goryczka średnia ziołowa.
2.8 Is zeker niet slecht maar wat gewoon
3.6 Very nice Abbey blonde ale. Way ahead of Leffe products. Perfect Draft.
3.6 Bottle from metro. Clear yellow-gold amber with medium head. Sweet honey-flowery nose with some fruity yeast notes. Lightly sweet and moderately complex flavor with rounded caramel background. The simplest but perhaps most quaffable of the La Trappe family.
3.3 Almoço de família. Espuma média, pequena.Banana,cravinho. Final seco
3.4 33cl bottle from Auchan store drinking it on 24/08/2021 BB 09-2023 Pours a slightly pale hazy yellow golden with thin soft white foam on top and good lacing. Really good, rich aroma with hints of belgian yeast, malt, fruits including banana and apricot, cloves, vanilla, honey, spices and flowers, candi sugar. Taste is more light and delicate than expected from the aroma with a good sweetness and mostly yeasty and fruity flavours, and a more spiced and slightly sour/ light bitter finish with some malty/grainy note about it too. Not overwhelming sweet overall and very good to sip even if not the most complex La Trappe. Still very pleasant and rich tasting. Medium body and a bit creamy, oily texture, medium carbonation. Slightly dry and sticky aftertaste which call for another sip. Good trappist with a nice flavour but I wouldn't mind some more intense taste, will definitely try again.
4.0 Bottle design underwhelming... Dull yellowy beige zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Lovely opaque, cloudy gold, little head. Aroma at first underwhelms, a little fruity, esters, malty, yes. Tastes great though! Wow! Sweet, breaking through to some banana, almost haribo, moves into bitter afters. Lovely trip! Encore! Really invites another sip! Big full mouthfeel, nice creamy carbonation. Great beer! At 6% tastes a little sweet boozy after a few swigs!
4.0 Belgian yeast. Notable banana esters. Some cloves and spices. Apricot. Lively carbonation. No complex flavours. Light alcohol warmth, typical of belgian ales. Straight forward. Pleasant and enjoyable belgian blonde.
3.9 La Trappe Trappist Blond lekker vol smakend biertje. Met de lichte geur van banaan en een licht zoete volle smaak van banaan en zoete peer
4.0 Balanced, somewhat bitter taste
5.0 The best for now
3.4 330ml brown glass bottle from Drinkers Paradise in Kentish Town for £4.12. Dated as best before 06/2023 and served having been out of refrigeration for about thirty minutes into the La Trappe branded chalice. The beer pours a lively golden orange colour with a small even white head. Lots of small bubble carbonation. As the beer goes down the colour seems to lose the orange notes a look more like a fizzy turmeric infused water. On the nose the beer has that Belgian yeast quality that all La Trappe beers do. Ripe banana, citrus peelings. Not the most intense of aromas but still interesting. On taste the beer follows the aroma. Mainly yeast, banana and confectioners sugar. Some lemon peel and a nice level of spice. As the beer goes down a slight alcohol warmth comes to the throat and stomach. A short lived aftertaste that follows the drink. Good carbonation and clean. Overall, a nice solid Belgian blonde ale. Some typical La Trappe notes about it. The next level up from Leffe without being world class.
3.4 Pours golden orange with a nice white head. Malty and yeasty aroma, fruity, light spicy. Sweet and light bitter taste. Medium oily body with soft carbonation.
3.5 330ml bottle from Wine Rack, Tattenham Corner. Pours slightly hazy golden with a white head. Aroma of malt and Belgian yeast. Taste has a hint of spice. Sweet finish. Fairly typical blonde Belgian.
3.1 Bottle. Clear dark orange/gold with a lovely white head. Aroma of clove, vanilla, yeast, honey, caramel with a little bit of bananas going on. Taste follows aroma. Fruity sweet with a somewhat dry bitter finish. Medium to strong carbonation. Doesn’t feel like it’s as good as it could have been. So-so. I was in the mood for a Belgian Blond and really looking forward to sample this one as I quite like La Trappe but I ultimately found it to be a little bit underwhelming.
3.3 Bottle, 33 cl (SB). Overall pleasant blond, good example of an ale of this type. Medium carbonation and finish.
3.7 Ljus ganska söt.
3.8 Full & rich is right description for this. In fruits id say this is either more dry and stone fruits like mirabelle quitte or pear. This is a blond heavy yeasty beer more for the winter and autumn than summer. Aging in the bottle continues. Carbonation is strong.
4.6 Söt, honungsmild, len med aprikostoner
3.5 Bottiglia. Il gusto al naso resta attratto dall'orzo. L'intensità olfattiva è normale e la maniera in cui permane è sufficiente. Il mantello birroso superiore è caratterizzato da una schiuma dalla buona tenuta. La grandezza delle bollicine è medio-fine. Il liquido è di consistenza limpida. Il colore è giallo ramato. Il corpo è pieno. L'amaro è contenuto. La forza gustativa è elevata e la persistenza è buona. Il gusto è piacevole. Le sensazioni boccali finali risultano di pronta beva. Il retrogusto è intenso. In bocca l'aroma è quello di miele, crosta di panettone, frutta secca, erbaceo, agrumi e mela.
4.3 6.5%, blonde goutue
3.8 Sløret gylden gul med hvitt skum. Aroma hvetemalt gjær krydder. Smak Hvetemalt humle gjær krydder noe frukt. Fin fylde og god balansert smak. Saftig og god. Flaske fra Vinmonopolet Jekta