Närke Kaggen Stormaktsporter

Närke Kaggen Stormaktsporter

Imperial Stout brewed with heather honey and aged on oak-barrels for 2½ months. Serve at minimum 14 dgs. Share the bottle. It was first brewed in October 2005 and ages well for several years. Beer is Art!

2005 version is 9%.

2006 version is 10%.

2007 version is 9%, released 2008-09-11.

2008 version is 9.5%, released 2009-09-17.

2009 version is 9.5%, released 2010-09-23

2010 through 2015 versions cancelled due to family issues.

2016 version us 12.0%, released 2018-10-25
598 reviews
Örebro, Sweden

Community reviews

4.2 2019 vintage edition. First of all, this beer had been in my top list for wanna beers to try for long time, so imagine the joy when I finally had a chance to catch it! Bought at a systembolaget in örebro, the home town of this world famous brewer. Pours at a degree of 16 celsius. Colour is black and foam is dark brown. Nose is dominated by sweety flavours, oak, some chocolate. Mouth is sweet, incredibly smooth with honeylike tasetes pushing through in the end. Fantastic beer and big credits to the unique taste this one has.
4.2 Bottle (2019 vintage) shared at Peders, Copenhagen (04/07/2021) - black with a beige head. Roasted and sweet malty with lots of rich chocolate, some caramel and fudge, dark dried fruit shred with some sultana and raisins, full bodied, smooth silky mouthfeel, just a light burnt smokiness, dark big malty finish. Gorgeous.
4.8 Flaska 2018. Svart med ett pärlande beige skum som ligger kvar några millimeter ovan dryck. Dofter av mörk choklad, torkad frukt, trä, vanilj, prinskorv och kaffe. Smakinslag av mörk choklad, karamell, torkad frukt, björnbär, lakrits, bourbon och rostad malt. Intill perfektion balanserade smaker. Stor och fyllig kropp, oljig munkänsla. Min första 10:a i smak. Fantastisk!
3.6 Nu testas vi 2022 batchen. Lite svagdricka först sen kommer rejält rostad malt . Njae knappt ok imp stout inte mer. Var betydligt bättre tidigare år 2021 betyget 4.1 Ok här har vi en fyllig krämig välbalanserad imp stout. Viss fin spritton lite ek och tung choklad. Tacka gudarna vi slipper bittert kaffe. God. Men finns mååååånga bättre imp stout i klasen . Tipps testa The Bruery
4.1 This Beer is good for sunny days and getting bbq with your friends if you guys want it more you can check this site https://apothekemed.com/
4.8 Awesome
4.4 Bottle Vintage 2009. Pours black with a small tan head. Aroma of smooth roast, light licorice, some dark chocolate, light toffee, loads of barrel. Taste is heavy roast with loads of licorice, dark bitter chocolate, quite some wood, a bit of sweetness. Very balanced and quite harmonic. Superb condition.
4.3 Bottle @ El Catador goes to Ulfborg. 2009 edition 9,5% abv. Long time want. Dark brown body with a tiny offwhite head. Roasted malt, chocolate, bitter chocolate, oak, sweet notes. No sign of oxidation. Delicious.
4.4 Bottle @ El Catador, Ulfborg. vintage 2009. Old gem. Aroma of roasted malt, caramel, bourbon, liqourice, light dusty. Moderate sweet and bitter with lingering roasted bitterness. Full and creamy. Old-time wonder. Great
4.2 this is great visit us https://skillhai.in/
4.0 Earlier Rating: 3/2/2021 Total Score: 0.7
4.0 0.25 l bottle at Omnipollo Hatt, Stockholm. Shared with little Dina and Lorelei. Dark brown, reddish tint. Sophisticated fruity aroma, dark cherry, dark caramel, dark chocolate, wood, very nutty and alcohol. Very roasty flavours, thick chocolate, roasty tartness, brandy quality, barrel age quality. Good balance between smooth and sharp, very nice texture. Very nice toasty, charred wood, ash. Finish is dry, roasty, lasting and very soft.
4.3 bottle shared by LAR, many many thanks for this one. 2016 vintage. chocolate-plenty, smooth bourbon woodsiness, lots of dried prunes, super dark wildflower honey, no alcohol warmth. moderately low carbonation, medium body - very oily; super smooth woodsy-fruity finish. rarety aside, this is a super solid oak-aged strong porter.
4.3 2018 Bottle. Pours black with a small tan head. Aroma of chocolate, malt, coffee, and alcohol. Taste is chocolate, roasted malt, coffee, honey, molasses, and some barrel. Excellent.
4.0 Flarra i uterummet. Härligt doft med hav o tång o friskhet. Smaken så balanserad med sötsyrliga smaker. Lätt kolsyrad så att smakerna förstärks. Riktig go o lång eftersmak som sitter som en smäck. En fullträff! 4.6 poäng Då kör vi på 2021 batch! Doftar violpastill o hav. Tror att det ligger med lite violpastill i smaken osså. Torr öl med mycke malttoner lång smak men på gränsen till att tangera kaffetoner. Något tunn i slutet. Lite tråkig men ändå visst god
5.0 So, so good
4.4 2016 Version. 25cl Bottle @ Saveur-Biere, Fretin, France. Black colour with a thin tan head. Aroma is roasted malt, cocoa, licorice, alcohol. Taste is roasted malt, dark chocolate, licorice, nuts, honey, alcohol. Full body, soft carbonation.
4.5 Aroms of honeycomb and liquorice. Sweet, smooth taste of liquorice, coffee, honey, some bourbon and beeswax. Aftertaste is liquorice and beeswax. Very old school imperial stout. Splendid workmanship.
4.3 2016 vintage, poured into a snifter. Jet black, opaque, nice 2 fingers of foamy head that breaks into a ring of lace. Aromas of black molasses, mild oak, mild chocolate. Taste is delicately balanced roasted malt, chocolate, treacle, molasses, hints of honey, caramel, and oak. Wow, what a harmony! Extremely enjoyable in the day and age of overly sweet stouts. The beer is indeed art.
4.0 @Bbf’19, Thick black, Creamy head, sweet, roasted, heavy, dry, chocolate, coffee
4.3 250 ml bottle from a trade, vintage 2016. Black body, with a small, creamy, dark beige head. Beautiful aroma of honey, dark chocolate, bourbon, moderate coffee, some tobacco, slight toffee, slight wood. Tastes quite similar, with less honey, more cocoa powder, slight soy sauce. Medium, oily mouthfeel, with a moderate carbonation. Finishes smooth, moderate roasty, moderate sweet, a bit dry, with tobacco, cocoa powder, moderate bourbon, some coffee, some honey, Delicious! I really love the nose, the honey adds a very smooth, unique layer. Greatly balanced in the taste, just enough roastiness and sweetness, with the bourbon barrel perfectly integrated, very smooth for the ABV. Not my very favourite style example, while I enjoyed this a lot and I can see why this was so special back then. Score: 9 / 4 / 8 / 5 / 17
3.9 0,25l bottle at home shared by Saeglopur, big thanks. Brewed 26.10.2016. black color, small dark coffee colored head. smells of bitter chocolate, light blue cheese notes, dried fruits, earthy, light honey, figs, nice smell. full body, light carbonation. tastes of honey, dried fruits, some fudgy notes, spices, bit of blue cheese, figs, spices, bit peppery, rather earthy, lavender. finishes lightly sweet with notes of blue cheese, honey and figs. bit weirdish, has a certain blue cheese note for me, that combined with the honey is nice but again also weird, also some bitter chocolate.
3.9 beige head. Biter taste with roasted malts, chocolate, coffee, licorice, bourbon, nuts and dark fruits. Bitter finish with roasted malts, chocolate, licorice, bourbon, nuts, coffee and dark fruits. Excellent.
4.5 Piwo od omhper wypite w Warszawie z mtitov i omhper. Ciemny kolor, piana jak to w porterze , średnia. Aromat gorzkiej czekolady dominuje w tle miód. W smaku wspaniała gorzka co się rzadko zdarza czekolada, lekko słodkie, wspaniałe piwo.
3.5 Just a good beer
4.5 Bottle, 2016 vintage (huge thanks to jesper for sharing this). Pours black. Aroma and flavor are chocolate, roast, honey, heather, whiskey. Overall: excellent, woth the hype!
4.4 Bottle (thanks Jesper). Pitch black color. Small size, brown head, stays. Honey, sweet, roast, chocolate, cocoa, sugary, some alcohol in aroma and in taste. Excellent brew!
4.6 250ml bottle. Thanks, Jesper. Pours black colour, moderate beige head. Funky cognac, chocolate, honey, cocoa. Delicious and complex! Cognac, honey, chocolate. Full body! Absolutely amazing. So balanced!
4.5 250ml bottle, thanks Jesper. Pours dark brown colour, small tan head. Aroma is very rich, prunes, slightly smoky, cherry, chocolatey, cocoa. Taste is roasty, barrel, cognac, smooth, vanilla. Smooth soft honey, creamy, barrel aftertaste. Full body, average carbonation. Very nice complex, rich well balanced brew. Amazing brew!
4.0 Bottle from a friend. Black color, beige head. Bitter taste with roasted malts, chocolate, coffee, licorice, bourbon, nuts and dark fruits. Bitter finish with roasted malts, chocolate, licorice, bourbon, nuts, coffee and dark fruits. Excellent imperial stout, but not worth hype.