We dry-hop this American Style India Pale Ale with seven grains and four domestic hop varieties by adding dry whole hops to the finishing tank so the beer rests "on top" of the hops for five extra days! Malty sweetness up front with big cascade and glacier hops in the finish -- a wonderfully drinkable IPA!
406 reviews
Maryland Heights, United States
Community reviews
3.2355ml bottle. Minimally cloudy, dark amber colour with average, frothy, half-way lasting, minimally lacing, white head. Piney hoppy aroma, slightly nuttily, caramel malty basis, a minimally citrusy touch. Taste is citrusy hoppy, minimally nuttily caramel malty basis, hints of lemon; minimally watery interludes.
3.412 fl.oz bottle. Pours hazy amber colour with a huge most good lasting off-white head. Aroma of resinous hops, pine and toasted malt. taste of bitter hops, pine, resious hops, nuts, long bitter finish.
3.5bottle from a trade to glass. nose is moderate to strong grapefruit with modest pine notes as well. Crystal clear, bright orange to light red in color with a large pillowy white head that laces well. Taste is initially bitter with some moderate biscuit and toast malt notes with a hint of crust to it. Hop flavor is moderate with a grassy and citrus impression. overall, pretty dang drinkable and good.
3.6Received in trade from gregwilsonstl, thanks for the opportunity!
Slightly hazy deep golden color with a good sized bubbly off white head. Sweet bready caramel maltiness with plenty of citrus and pine to offset. Has an old school feel to it, decent enough IPA.
4.5This is my first time drinking the new and improved 5 Day out of the new brewery in Missouri. A vast improvement from the previous. Very good beer!
3.012oz bottle from Joe Canals Fire Rd. Poured a deep amber with an average sized frotht light cream colored head. Aroma is bad for an IPA, apple, caramel, old bread, toffee, rotting citrus. Flavor is the same with a slight touch of actual hops but way more malt forward. Medium to fuller bodied with average carbination and a creamy finish. Blah to meh.
2.9I had it on tap. It poured an amber color with minimal head and lacing. The aroma was hops. The taste was malt and hops. The mouth feel was creamy. This wasn’t bad. It was average and kind of forgettable though.
2.9Bottle. Pours hazy amber with a trace of off-white head. Aroma is bready and cereal malts, caramel, floral hops, and faint pineapple. Flavor is sweet and malty without much hop character; somewhat under-attenuated. Medium body and under carbonated.
3.412 oz bottle pours Amber with a off white head. Aroma of malts, pine and floral. Taste is resin and caramel.
1.9I bought a 6-pack of this in bottles. I was very disappointed. The taste is just not for me. Not to hoppy and kinda tastes watered down. I do like ipa's but not this one. At least it's aftertaste is not bad.
2.8From a bottle...malty aroma; sweet malty taste, not much of a hoppy bite. Not bad just not one of my favorites...
3.2Tap. Pours hazy amber, small off white head, decent lacing. Aroma is caramel and pine. Flavor is light plus sweet, light plus bitter, caramel and pine. Medium body, creamy mouthfeel. This would have been interesting fifteen years ago. Now it’s a solid, but pedestrian, offering.
2.612 oz bottle. Not exactly fresh, but also not exactly bottle dated. Some hops. Maybe a little too much malty sweetness for the low bitterness. Not that impressed, but I could drink it if it was my only craft choice.
2.6Rated base on notes taken 11 Feb 2012 -- Nothing to write home about. Mediocre IPA.
3.2I had this at Flying Saucer. Pours orangish with a white head. Taste citrus, dry, lightly sweet. I thought this was just ok. I could drink this again.
3.6Poured from bottle to glass. Hazy orange hue with creamy white head that settled but lingered. Aroma is melon, tangerine, grapefruit, ripe lime, resinous. Mouthfeel is nice with a medium body and zesty carbonation. Taste is dry sweetness initially with a bitter following that extends into the finish. Overall this is a nice fruity IPA.
3.8interesting ipa, tart but not very fruity. golden red in color and very easy drinking on a hot day
2.912 ounce bottle pours a light golden orange color. Fruity aroma of mango and passionfruit. Highly carbonated with a bit of a tart taste. A bit different but still an easy drinking I PA.
3.1Draft to pint. Looks decent; malty though. A slightly hazy burnt orange with foamy off-white head. Smells solid; bitter and fruity hops with some mild sweetness from the malt. Tastes like it smells, but less balanced. A touch of soap as it opens up too. Average on the palate. Not bad, but smells better than it tastes.
2.9Pours a golden amber in color with a full and frothy, lingering white head. The aroma is strong in pine and floral hops, to go along with some grapefruit, melon, and slight mango. The taste is very dry and isn’t very bitter for this style. Actually, the taste seems almost forgotten in this one. Some pine and light grapefruit remain, but that is about it. The grapefruit aftertaste is very mild, although it does last for a bit. Medium to full in body, with a thicker texture, and above average in carbonation. This one is rather disappointing. I was expecting much more.
4.1Can. Pours golden with light head. Nose is sweet with pine. Nice hops in the flavor. I would get this beer again.
2.9bottle. golden with small head. thin IPA with some mild citrus in the hops. underwhelming.
2.2A metallic malty and herbal IPA that isn’t good or drinkable and doesn’t reallyfit anywhere.
2.2Drinkable, but if this is the best beer in St Louis... I’m going to take the I-270 bypass the next time I’m in the area. Kind of tastes flat, not much hoppiness, in fact not much anything. A sub par IPA for sure.
3.5Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. It’s an ok beer
3.0Bottle at SlutFest 2011 on 04/23/2011. Mostly clear golden amber body with a small creamy white head. Sweet floral hop aroma. Sweet floral and earthy hop flavor. Medium body with moderate carbonation.
2.7Can pour slight hazy gold. Nose odd medicinal vegetal smell. Taste like adjunct and slight vegetal, mid palate bitter. Then average ipa characters.
2.8Bottle. Post drink rating. Okay IPA, aroma mild with decent citrus. It did drink very easy though.
3.0This is nothing special. Kind of fruity and real easy to drink. Not real hoppy an just a hint if orange. Smells like hops.