Sol (Mexico)

Sol (Mexico)

Has a sparkling gold hue and exciting aroma and flavor of malt.
1355 reviews
Monterrey/Orizaba, Mexico

Community reviews

1.1 Recht geschmacklos , ist Herr etwas für wärmere Tage
3.5 Follow the trip on instagram @juurperi #olutmaailmanympärimatka #beerworldtour Beer country number 77 Mexico
2.2 I had this at Burro Loco. Pours gold with a white head. Taste watery, grain, semi sweet. I thought this was ok. I could drink this again.
3.5 cheers .
1.9 Staight from the e bottle. Pale clear gold. A bit corny in the nose, corn and papery sweetness in the mouth. Light body.
2.3 Yellow in colour. Some hints of malt and citrus. A very light beer. Best for hot summer evenings.
1.9 Decent lager, pretty fresh
1.8 Yellow pour, no head. Nose is light malt. Middle is light kilned malt, corn, hint of hops. Finish sweet and light.
1.5 Met pje en Greg @ Greg 08/10/21
2.6 Аромат очень солодовый, легкий, почти без намека на хмель, с небольшой сладостью. Цвет желтый, пенка небольшая. Вкус тоже солодовый, но пил даже легче, все таки при глотке какой то намек на хмель есть, но просто на децл. В принципе все.
1.5 Served at home with a slice of lime. Dissipating white head left a slowly carbonating straw coloured body. Cardboard aroma. Medium to thin bodied, soft & limp. Citrus & light malt? Doesn't really taste of anything!
2.2 Old rating from 2014 - 330ml bottle, pours clear yellow with a white head. Aromas & tastes of lemon, corn, grain & syrup. Light to moderate body. Slight dry finish
2.9 Boa cerveja para o dia a dia, em relação ao custo benefício
1.2 Bottle at Allstar Jakobsberg. (served with lime) Clear yellow with a white head. Thin and really boring. I think that I prefer water.
2.7 85 pts cerveza muy refrescante que nos podemos tomar 5 o 6 sin problemas.
1.2 A poor mans corona thats saying something!
3.9 Sol
1.5 Bottle. Pours a pale straw yellow with a thin white head. Aroma of corn, grain and skunk. Flavor was thin and watery with corn, skunk, grain and had a touch of lemon.
1.0 Una cerveza con un sabor leve y probablemente afectado por una mala distribución del producto, debido más que nada a la botella, que no protege correctamente al líquido.
1.8 # 2337; 11/2020. Glucose syrup and grains in aroma. Straw, brilliant body, white head with low persistance. Sweet, syrupy, slightly grainy; surprising dry finish, crispy. Bad beer but quite good for its style. 0,3 l, clear glass, supermarket, Pilsen (Bohemia, CZ).
3.1 Review based on the BJCP2015 guidelines (style 2A). Bottle 33 cl - Batch 0057528H1710 (BBF FEB-2021). AROMA: meidum-low grainy malt aroma with a low herbaceous hop background and slight sweetness. APPEARANCE: very pale gold color and cristal clear. medium white head with average retention. TASTE: similar to the aroma with initial low grainy flavor. low bitterness with an almost dry finish. MOUTHFEEL: medium-low to low body with medium-low carbonation. OVERALL: a pale lager a bit on the watery side.
2.0 bottle bb7/20 chiara limpida buona schiuma discreta persistenza sciroppo lieve cereale niente amaro niente aroma
2.2 APARÊNCIA amarelo claro, translúcido. creme branco de boa média e baixa persistência. AROMA cereais, leve herbal e metálico. SABOR dulçor moderado e baixo amargor. milho e papelão. SENSAÇÃO corpo baixo e carbonatação moderada.
1.7 Cerveza pálida de carbonatación media y cuerpo ligero. Aromas débiles herbáceos y algo de cereal. En boca es plana, mejor que la Corona (no es difícil) e inferior a la Modelo.
2.3 Bottiglia da 0,33. Schiuma scarna e volatile. Colore giallo paglierino. Carbonatura abbondante. Aromi erbacei e di agrumi. Gusto lieve ed agro. Finale morbido e breve. Solo per Mexican Food. Consiglio 4/10
1.2 Bottle sample at a tasting. Watery pale yellow-golden with white head. The aroma has notes of corn, cardboard, urine, honey. The flavor is sweet, watery, honey, cardboard, corn. Light-bodied.
3.3 Den bedste læskende øl efter sport på en varm sommer dag
3.0 At spoons in Newton Abbott
1.5 Bottle sample at a tasting at Yoav's place. Clear golden. DMS, vegetal, graininess, skunkiness, sweetish, watery.
3.2 Sol is the authentic Mexican beer, born in 1899 in Orizba, near the highest point in Mexico. ... Sol uses special light resistant hops that preserve the refreshing taste even on the sunniest of days. Great for all occasions, Sol is a light and refreshing golden pilsner style beer with a fresh and lemony finish.