Three Floyds Dark Lord - Bourbon Vanilla Bean

Three Floyds Dark Lord - Bourbon Vanilla Bean

Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout aged in a variety of Bourbon barrels with vanilla beans.

This listing is specifically for Bourbon Vanilla Bean Dark Lord. NOT Brandy.
447 reviews
Munster, United States

Community reviews

4.3 Score: 9 / 4 / 9 / 4 / 17 Draught at MBCC 2018, yellow session. Many thanks to Werckmeister! Black body, with a tiny, coffee-colored head. Wonderful aroma of bourbon, vanilla, wood, creamy chocolate, toffee, some coconut, dark fruits. Tastes similar, with more booze. Full, oily mouthfeel, with a low carbonation. Finishes boozy, dry, wooden, a bit sweet, with chocolate, bourbon, vanilla. Delicious! Heavy and boozy, but so rich, with layers of dark chocolate, bourbon and some vanilla. Not my very favourite style example, but surely worth the hype.
4.2 0,05l from tap at Mbcc Yellow Session. As Dark Lord Vanilla Bean. black color, almost no head. smells of vanilla, bourbon, coconut, earthy, rather bourbony nice smell. full body, light carbonation, slick mouthfeel. tastes of vanilla, coconut, bourbon, lightly oxidized, earthy, licorice, bittter chocolate. finishes light to medium sweet with notes of coconut, bourbon and some chocolate fudge. very nice one, very heavy, liked the taste better than the smell. 8, 4, 9, 4, 17
4.4 Draught at MBCC. Black color, beige head. Bittersweet taste with roasted malts, vanilla, bourbon, nuts, chocolate, oak, a bit of coffee and licorice. Bittersweet finish with roasted malts, chocolate, vanilla, oak, bourbon, coffee, licorice, a bit of syrup and dark fruits. Exquisite imperial stout.
4.8 One of best beers I have ever tasted. This vanilla and bourbon combo is incredible. Powerful and sweet and yet beautifully blended. Sweet and yet not one dimensional. Masterpiece.
5.0 2016 vintage. Pours jet black with minimal head. Super opaque...cannot see through this. Aromas of marshmallow, vanilla, bourbon and fudge. Smells decadent. Flavor is of bourbon soaked marshmallows with vanilla bean and fudge mixed in. Absolutely amazing. Super thick, viscous and mouth coating. Amazing beer.
4.7 Dark Lord Marshmallow Handjee 2015. Mocne przypierdolenie wanilii prosto w nos, pachnie jak zajebiste słodycze podlane bourbonem. Smak słodki niczym lody waniliowe, gładkie i puszyste w odczuciu. W smaku dużo wanilii, nuta czekolady, charakterystyczne dla DL owoce, ale mocno w tle. Trzymanie tego w ustach to piękne przeżycie, ale zdecydowanie nie polecane dla cukrzyków. Wow.
4.6 RB #5000 :) Rami Rami is drinking a Dark Lord - Marshmallow Handjee (2015) by 3 Floyds Brewing Company at Mikkeller Bar Warsaw Mega poukladana beczka, owoce, melasa, susz, rodzynki, czekolada, chleb, cialo, slodycz, migdaly, wanilia, kakao. Alko nie istnieje. o jprdl Rami Rami is drinking a Dark Lord - Marshmallow Handjee (2018) by 3 Floyds Brewing Company at Mikkeller Bar Warsaw Mega waniliowe, gladziutkie, beczka grzeczna i chlalna calosc, alko calkiem schowane, bardzo smaczne Rami Rami is drinking a Dark Lord - Marshmallow Handjee (2017) by 3 Floyds Brewing Company at Warszawski Festiwal Piwa #11 Piekna beczka slodycz melasa owoce czekolada i insze takie pierdolety. Nieco cukier. Duzo ciala. Woooow 2016 - 4.7 2017 - 4.6 2018 - 4.4
4.8 W aromacie ogromne pokłady wanilii naturalnej, melasa, czekolada mleczna, bombonierka, wiśnie, suszone owoce, dębina, szlachetne nuty bourbonu. W smaku mocno słodkie, pralinki w płynie z mega wanilią. Na finiszu wyklejająca słodycz, dużo mlecznej czekolady. Alkohol świetnie ułożony, mnóstwo ciała, gęste jak olej, niesamowicie intensywne, degustacyjne. Jedno z najlepszych piw jakie miałem okazję pić.
4.4 Served at the Mikkeller Bar in Copenhagen during a tap takeover a few years back. The line stretched out the door. Pitty the fools that thought it best to start light and finish with this bad boy, only to be disappointed the keg had kicked after 20 or 30 minutes. This one share the same black pour and tan head as the other Dark Lords, and also the basic flavor profile. The extra vanilla kick is what sets this one apart. Incredibly delicious.
4.6 Massing thanks to Compton25! Obtained in a trade. This one has been an absolute top want of mine since I got into beer, I managed (or thanks to the kindness of others I manged) to try almost every dream beer since then. This one kept eluding & I am the only one since basically almost everyone but seem to have tried this one. I have had several version of Dark Lord since then including the bourbon one in 2013 (perfection) & in 2015 or so, disappointment (too soy sauce / messy). I realize that people hate on these beers, I adored many BA version, I actually thought that the regular one was fair way back in 2012 but apparently it has been going downhill ever since or that is just perception. Anyway sparkling green wax, waxing is so old school now, modern Dark Lord special label. Pours black, head is amazing very deep, deepest coffee but sadly doesn’t last. No head very quickly. Nose is old school RIS syrup, pure molasses, treacle, syrup, so sweet thick syrupy with bourbon, candlewax vanilla mixed in, maple, insanely sweet molasses RIS syrup. Taste is chocolate desert pudding molasses, felts crazy strong pure sugar, maple, treacle, dark honey, bourbon concentrate syrup sugar, candy, butterscotch, unbelievably thick, syrupy & sweet,… Vanilla is not as big as hoped. Pure syrup, soft carbonation. Once you get into some ultra-sweet coffee in the back, melted chocolate. Pure insane sweet syrup, this kids is how rare special BA stouts used to taste like, even sweeter. Crazy sweet but tasty brew, pure candy syrup and sugar. Worked great with Thai food, it could bear the spices, strong flavours etc. Fight fire with fire.
5.0 Amazing vanilla flavor. Full body and thick. One of the best beers I've had.
5.0 2014, draft from Mikkeller Bar Vicktoriagade
3.8 Sampled at Mikkeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen 2017. 2016 vintage. Pitch black pour with a small tan head. Notes of vanilla, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, light roast, sugar. A bit too sweet.
4.4 Bottle 0.75l release 2017 green wax, known as Marshmallow Handjee with 15%. Pours like motor oil black with tiny brown head that dissipate away immediately. Aroma: roasted grain, dark malt with notes of chocolate, coffee, intense, huge marshmallow, vanilla, when it warms up steps forward bourbon, wood notes. Flavour perfectly following aroma in all elements and details: roasted grain, dark malts, vanilla, marshmallow, bourbon, oak, vanilla...finish is dry, sticky. Body is perfectly thick, texture syrupy, carbonation is low. No words needed. Gimme one more bottle for aging!
4.9 Fat på MBCC 2017. Vintage 2016. Spenderade mina extra, första 20 minuter från silverpasset till att köa på denna. Kolsvart med tjusigt lock av brunt, gräddigt skum. Maffig doft med otroliga mängder toffee, läder, lönnsirap, vanilj, bourbon, choklad, likörpralin, mörk torkad frukt, whiskydränkta bär och marsipan. Superstor, oljig och tjock kropp. Riktigt rejäl i munnen. Klibbig så man sitter och smackar efteråt. Supersött och riktigt stor i smaken. Alkoholen värmer på, men kan inte säga att de 15% märks av sådär markant. Väl integrerad i det saliga sammelsurium av godhet som äger rum. Mörk sirap, chokladpralin, vanilj, bourbon, ek och bastuträ, lite läder och chark längre bak. Vansinnigt gott. Vågar inte ge min första 5:a ännu, men kanske får tänka om senare...
4.1 Thnx to verbalessence !!! Pours black, not much head. Smell is super intense, as to be expected. Roasted malts, bourbon, vanilla, brown sugar. Almost a milky character to it as well. Taste is very sweet. Sharp booze. Some vanilla. Intense bourbon. Some oak. Vanilla builds up. Has a sharp (almost metallic) sidenote. This is better than expected. I dont like dark lord, guess I never will, bit this is the second version I like.
4.9 ⭐️⭐️⭐️Whalez Share @ Browariat 12.01.2018 Marshmallow Handjee 2018.⭐️⭐️⭐️ 💣💣💣Gałka muszkatołowa,masa przypraw,czekolada,wanilia,cynamon,pianki marshmallow przypieczone na ognisku.Olej,kisiel! Cudowne!💣💣💣 Tap @ Mikkeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen 2017 Piwo nalane całkowicie bez piany. Nawet po zakręceniu szkłem nie pojawia się ani kropelka puchu.Czarne jak węgiel, kompletnie nieprzejrzyste. Zerowe wysycenie. Aromat totalnie zdominowany przez wanilię, lody waniliowe, ciasteczka kokosowe, kawa z mlekiem polana gęstym syropem waniliowym, odrobina nut palonych, mleczna czekolada. Smak podąża za aromatem. Gigantyczna wanilia, nuty drewna dębowego, kokosowe ciasteczka, czekolada mleczna, pianki marshmallow, kokos, cukier brązowy. Mega słodkie, gęsta, wyklejające. Tęgie ciało. Doskonale ukryte procenty. Top10 najlepszych RIS-ów ever!
4.1 Pours opaque black with a medium brown head. Aroma is vanilla, caramel and cocoa. Taste is vanilla sweet, vanila bitter, bourbon, oak, raisins, cocoa sweet, oak.
4.0 On tap @ Copenhagen Beer Celebration 2013. TotalCaos getting this! Everyone is just flocking the Three Floyds stand. Anyhow, the first thin noticed is that is has no head. Swirling the glass does not help much either, and it’s really dark and black in the glass. Lovely aroma of, yeah you guessed it, VANILLA. Sweet and tons of it. Dark sweet chocolate also, and it’s heavy roasted. The sweetness and the vanilla us what sticks in this. Smooth! Oh, my.. As smooth as smooth gets, and the vanilla is just out of this world. Almost like my Créme Brûlée only liquefied and added tons of strong sweet chocolate. What a lovely flavor. It’s a bit far out there on the sweet side, but it’s something about that vanilla that’s just like heaven. Ends light dry with a lingering chocolaty aftertaste that’s again filled with vanilla and a little bit of mouthdrying wood. World class! 04.05.2013
4.4 2014 shared bottle. Pours black with a small tan head. Aroma of chocolate, bourbon, vanilla, and malt. Taste is dark chocolate, vanilla, bourbon, coffee, roasted malt, molasses, and dark fruit. World class experience.
4.3 Poured deep dark brown with a small beige head. Aroma of fudge, chocolate, roast malt, berries and booze. Full body, very smooth, flavour as the aroma, lovely stuff.
4.6 Pitch black with a thin light brown head. Nose is crazy... Loads of bourbon and vanilla! Very complex with chocolate, coffee, oak and vanilla and bourbon and vanilla and bourbon... Taste is very sweet and very complex! Vanilla, bourbon, milk chocolate, hint of coffee. I have a problem with regular Dark Lord, but this is amazing! Sure is sweet, but I dont mind it. Very good!
4.7 Bottle shared during Marks’ 4K tasting, and last dutch whale share. Finally! One of my biggest wants since i started trading! Shared with 4 close beer friends. 2016 marshmallow handjee version. Poured a pitch black colour with a slight tanned head. Nose is so intense. Deep sweet chocolate notes, deep fudge, molasses, intense vanilla, Liquid marshmallows, sweet campfire bourbon, intense sweet fudge finish. So delicious. Maybe that i like the french vanilla just a bit more. But what a experience! 4000 beer ratings! And last dutch whale share!! Sweden here i come!
4.3 From notes. Enjoyed this during the 2nd Annual Kelly’s Island Bottle Share on September 18. 750 mL bottle. 2016 vintage. Holy hell, I never thought I’d get to try one of these! The pour is a jet black motor oil with a thin ring of brown head that dissipates. This looks like a tar pit. The aroma is heavy on the dark chocolate, sweet molasses, light bourbon, and bitter roast. The vanilla isn’t’ as heavy as I would’ve liked it on the nose. The alcohol is a little heavy on the finish. The flavor has a little more vanilla in it, but some of the other flavors intensify as well. The chocolate and molasses really explode. The bourbon takes on a thing of its own. The barrel even offers a little more. It’s complex, good, complete, but the vanilla isn’t as prominent as it should be. The mouth feel is thick and chewy with a soft carbonation and a bright vanilla on the aftertaste. The chocolate, bourbon, and maltiness are there, but the vanilla really comes through here. It’s by far the best Dark Lord anything I’ve had to date. This is a beautiful beer.
4.5 Shared bottle. Not much in a way of appearance - dark brown thick liquid with virtually no foam, something you would expect from such a big beer. Rich and complex aroma dominated by vanilla and bourbon over the black chocolate and coffee notes common to imperial stouts in general. Tastes as complex as it smells, with vanilla, bourbon, wood, chocolate, caramel and coffee nuances playing in tandem and changing one another with every moment passing since the first sip. A truly magnificent dessert beer that provokes deep introspection and will make you think about the meaning of life while trying to get to the end of the aftertaste.
4.3 Sample, 2014 vintage, gift from a stranger, during Dark Lord Day, trip with Philippe Boutin, Luc Bourbonnière and Ian Guénard, savoured on April 30 2016; eye: black, opaque, no head, no lacing; nose: roasted barley, vanilla, chocolate, burnt barley; mouth: roasted barley, vanilla, chocolate, burnt barley, finale in vanilla with presence of roasted barley, full body, average carbonation, mildly bitter, mildly sweet, syrupy texture; overall: quite fine FRANÇAIS Échantillon, millésime 2014, cadeau d’un étranger, durant Dark Lord Day, voyage avec Philippe Boutin, Luc Bourbonnière et Ian Guénard, savourée le 30 avril 2016; œil : noire, opaque pas de mousse pas de dentelle; nez : orge torréfiée, vanille, chocolat, orge brûlée; bouche : orge torréfiée, vanille, chocolat, orge brûlée, finale en vanille avec présence d’orge torréfiée, corsée, carbonatation moyenne, moyennement amère, moyennement sucrée, texture sirupeuse, bel équilibre; en résumé : très bon
4.6 Draft at RB Best Fest 16: Didn’t think I would ever get a chance to try this one, even at the event it was a secret as to when it would go on. Sure enough as soon as they tapped it the line was a mile long. I was lucky to finally get this walz harpoon’d off my wants list. Poured a deep motor oil from my car black with a brown head. Aroma was super vanilla with a rich and booziness to it. Taste is amazing vanilla mixed with caramel and rich malts, just enough big booze to keep it from being sweet mess. The best Dark Lord I have tried since the ’07 and by far exceeded that!
4.1 Bottle thanks to Marshall. Pours pitch black with no head. Single note thick mouthfeel soy sauce chocolate vanilla. High sweetness.
5.0 2016 vintage. Pitch black color with mocha head. Aroma is really complex with smooth bourbon, vanilla, brown sugar, chocolate and dark cherries. Taste starts really sweet at first with molasses and chocolate malt but smooths out towards the finish, even delivering a slight bitter and roasty flavor. Really heavy body with soft carbonation. Much better than last year’s version, now I get the hype.
4.6 Shared BOTTLE. Inky black. Super rich molasses and dark chocolate, cocoa powder, no sugary sweetness of the plan Dark Lord. Strong but not over the top vanilla oak. The finish has some alcohol heat, dark fruit blending into the malts. The ultimate desert beer.