Toppling Goliath Kentucky Brunch

Toppling Goliath Kentucky Brunch

This beer is the real McCoy. Barrel aged and crammed with coffee, none other will stand in it’s way. Sought out for being delicious, it is notoriously difficult to track down. If you can find one, shoot to kill, because it is definitely wanted... dead or alive.
164 reviews
Decorah, United States

Community reviews

4.5 12oz bottle at the DC Spring RB Tasting. Poured a pitch black, motor oil color with a small, wispy brown head. Lots of nice legs on this one. Aroma was a blast, a huge blast of maple. Roasted malts, roasted coffee, vanilla bean. Flavor was similar, nice maple syrup, vanilla and coffee notes. Very warming. Very smooth, not a whole lot of sweetness in this one, which was very nice. So smooth.
4.3 Amazing catch which all started on a ski hill in Wyoming, thanks to Iphonephan and Clark. Maple and roast. Chocolate and some well integrated oak. Oily pour. Coffee. Bittersweet end. Bottle.
4.1 bancnsms
4.5 355ml bottle. Thanks Otso! Silver wax, 2018 vintage, bottle number 509. Pours pitch black with a tiny sticky brown head. Aroma has massive amounts of coffee, espresso, mocha, vanilla, roasty malts, bourbon, wood, some maple syrup, oak and molasses. Taste is dry, smooth and super well balanced with loads of coffee, mocha, cocoa, oak, wood, hints of maple, bourbon and molasses. Finish is smooth, oily and slightly roasty with loads of coffee, oak, molasses, bourbon, wood and mocha. Surprisingly dry and heavy with coffee notes. Super well balanced and awesome barrel aged stout. Complex and tasty. Worth the hype? Maybe, but not quite what I was expecting though.
4.3 Bottle from a friend. Black color, beige head. Bitter taste with roasted malts, chocolate, coffee, bourbon, oak, maple syrup, licorice and toffee. Bitter finish with roasted malts, chocolate, bourbon, coffee, maple syrup, oak, toffee and licorice. Exquisite imperial stout.
4.3 Tried it a few times, blind as well and it's lovely thick with strong notes of coffe, chocolate and dark roasted malts. Complex and balanced with the balanca of being just complex, balanced, easy drinking yet expressive is what makes it stand out among similar beers, that are all fantastic but difficult to separate why one is so much better than the other.
4.2 Colore nero con bella testa marrone. Aroma maltato, arrosto, cioccolato, cacao, caffè forte, caramello, vaniglia, frutta secca scura, legno, alcool.
3.4 Versato da una bottiglia. Cioccolato, vaniglia e acero nell'aroma e nel gusto. Il whisky è piuttosto debole. La bocca ricca e l'aspetto sono nero notte. Head è una piccola abbronzatura scura che scompare rapidamente senza stringere. È una buona birra.
4.4 ‘12 and 16‘ side-by-side. 16 less viscous, expected from the higher alcohol and also more sour. 12 a little sweeter and stronger aroma. Additional sweetness not a problem. 12 wins it for me. Both wonderfully delicious though.
2.9 fds
4.1 Czarne niemal piwo które ma w sobie słodycz bardzo mocno przeplatająca się z goryczą. Piana równie ciemna a aromat kawy zespojony z karmelem
3.8 Bardzo ciemne piwo z beżową pianą które na początku zaskakuje nas swoją kwasowością które zaraz zmienia się w gorycz kawy łączoną z słodką wanilią.
5.0 Out of pure serendipity I was standing next to Clark L., the founder and owner of TG, in the tram line at Jackson Hole Mountain resort. I invited him over and he brought this amazing beer (among others). Vintage 2018, bottle no. 2011. He opened it and we shared it. What a treat. This beer pours black with a tan head. The aromas of maple, chocolate and coffee are intoxicating. The flavors are moderately sweet and multilayered. This is about as perfect as a beer can be.
5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️Whalez Share @ Browariat. 12.01.2019⭐️⭐️⭐️. 💣💣💣Kbbs Batch 3 (2016).💣💣💣 Piwo, które poraża swoim nieprzeciętnym, bogatym,wielowarstwowym aromatem. Butelka otworzona została na kilka minut przed przelaniem do szkła, aby dać jej trochę pooddychać. Wrażenia smakowo to arcygenialny pełny, wyklejający usta smak. Nieskończone pokłady syropu klonowego, kawy, ciemnych owoców (śliweczki), whiskey, wanilii, kokosu i czekolady. Aftertaste długi, intensywny, niezmiernie gładki. Piwo ma tyle warstw smakowo-zapachowych, że aż trudno je opisać.
5.0 Beczka level ultimate. Wszystko jest piękne w tym piwie. Cudowny waniliowo-czekoladowy aromat o powalającej mocy. Klonowa słodycz w smaku, nienadmierna, kontrowana kawą. Oleista faktura. To, jak się otwiera w miarę ogrzewania. Ale przede wszystkim idealny, niezrównany balans. Najlepsze.
4.9 b3 Absolutely perfect. Black, dark head, very, very dense. Massive aroma; plums, barrel, coffee, vanilla, malt. Full body, high to medium sweetness. Very complex, but also balanced flavour. Quite a lot of plums, red fruits (oxidation it)
4.3 2018 release split with drowland over the holidays. As soon as the cap was cracked you could smell it. Pours jet black with a small dark brown head, as drowland said it was smaller than expected but we also didn't pour it super hard. Aroma has a ton of maple of coffee right away with vanilla and oak as well. The flavor has a strong coffee front end with the maple and sweetness of the vanilla in the finish. Had this side by side with MD and we actually preferred that over KBBS, but this is still stupid good. Honestly, if Bourbon County releases a Maple variant it would be somewhat close to this. Is it worth the $1000 on the secondary market, heck no.
4.8 New Years Share at kermis’ place. Massive thanks to RandomStrangerNL for sharing this long time want. So viscous, thick, intense. Crazy. Big maple on the noise, roasted malts, coffee, dark chocolate, cinnamon, salmiak. Flavorbomb. Wow.
4.7 12/23/18. 12oz bottle - 2018, #463 - from the brewery, split with cbfobes, Mrs. Owl, and Mrs. cbfobes. Using this as my honorary 10,000th rating even though I've since passed 10k with my backlog. Oh well. Yeah, we bought a $100 beer and each of our pours were $25 each, but hey, it's family and the top beer of the moment, so why the hell not? We had side by side with 2018 Mornin' Delight and I think actually liked that a bit more. Jet black pour with a small tan head that fades to a ring. I honestly think there'd be a better head, but I had to carefully split the bottle into four pours. As soon as I cut through the inch of wax and cracked the cap, I was hit with a punch of maple and coffee. After the pour, the aroma shows fudgey bourbon, vanilla, oak, maple, coffee, rich fudge, touches of dark fruits. Rich flavor, on the sweet side, super smooth, bourbon, vanilla, oak, coffee, maple. Delicious! Overall, having split the cost, it was absolutely worth trying!
4.7 Piwo bardzo ciemne wręcz bym powiedział że czarne. Smak kawy czekolady które dodatkowo wzbogacają suszone owoce.
3.2 Hazy, slight tropical aroma. Seems overly bitter for a NEIPA
2.7 It's ok, but the best beer ever stays Carapils!
0.5 Earlier Rating: 8/24/2018 Total Score: 5
4.0 Extremely thick. Pours super dark. Very strong and bourbon notes. Very smooth and silky. Love it.
5.0 By now have had 2016 and 2018 a number of times. It really is one of the best beers I've ever had, and deserving of the spot it sits at. Some hilariously off reviews here, but there you go.
0.5 Earlier Rating: 8/16/2018 Total Score: 1.3
0.5 Earlier Rating: 8/12/2018 Total Score: 0.5
0.5 Chujnia z grzybnią, nie da się pić, wylane
2.5 Ikke noget særligt
4.6 Barwa smoliście czarna, piana beżowa, nietrwała. Piwo gęste, na żółto zdobi szkło. Aromat bardzo intensywny i bardzo złożony. Kawa, czekolada mleczna i gorzka, pumpernikiel. Po ogrzaniu pojawiają się nuty nugatu, wanilii. Piwo jest oleiste, gęste, gładkie na języku. Początkowo dominuje zaskakująca kwaśność od kawy i słodów palonych. Po chwili jednak schodzi ona na drugi plan, ukazując czekoladową pełnię, z nutami kawy, orzechów, wanilii, budyń czekoladowy, pralinki. Alkohol ułożony, niemal niewyczuwalny. RIS absolutny.