Weyerbacher Wit

Weyerbacher Wit

Wit is a crisp and hazy Belgian-Style Wit. Wit is Weyerbacher’s thirst-quenching spring and early summer ale. The nose has a light spiciness from the coriander, orange peel, grains of paradise, and star anise. The palate reveals a mild, refreshing and effervescent wheat beer that finishes with just a hint of tartness.
384 reviews
Easton, United States

Community reviews

3.4 Pours a pale yellow with a thin white head. Aroma is of banana, yeast, bready malts, wheat, and lemon. Taste is about the same as the aroma. Has a medium-light body with a semi dry, slightly watery, mostly sweet, medium finish. Overall, a decent wit beer.
3.8 12oz bottle. Hazy thin yellow-tan body. Definitely get the spices in the aroma, some nice wheat tones as well. Pretty solid Wit, has a nice depth to it, certainly better than 90% of US Wits out there. True to style, with a doughy vanilla wheat tone, and a well balanced spicing. Refreshing, very enjoyable.
2.4 Pours a very light yellow with haze and quickly dissipating head. The taste has some sour fruit. This does come across as a typical Belgian Wit, an average beer at best.
2.6 (retrieved from 08/2013 Midwest jpg backlog, PT bottle from Ridgeview Liquor, Green Bay) Dishwater citrus nose on same palate: soggy feeling of underfermented yeast on a watery body, overspiced with mainly coriander and anise out of context, and quite some overhopping. An accidental, lazy potpourri of a White IPA rather than a suave and mellow wit.
2.8 Pale yellow, aroma of funky lemon. Tastes of lemony medicine. Smooth. Easy going.
3.8 Transfer from BA review on 7-25-12 - \Served on tap in a 10 oz chalice glass Appearance – The beer pours a hazy golden color with a thin white head. The head fades over a moderate amount of time to leave a great level of lacing. Smell – Fruit aromas of citrus orange and lemon as well as hints of banana are strongest. These are mixed with lighter notes of yeast, wheat and a coriander spice, which overall create a very classic wit aroma. Taste – The taste begins a bit on the wheaty side with notes of lemon and coriander spice mixed within. As the taste advances the lemon gives way to a more orange citrus taste. Toward the end the now sweeter (but not really sweet) flavor mixes with a bready flavor, leaving a very lightly sweetened wheaty flavor on the tongue. Mouthfeel- The mouthfeel is on the thin side with the carbonation level being above average. Both are rather fitting for making for a very refreshing style beer - Light and flavorful. Overall – While nothing to go out of your way for, it is easy drinking and refreshing and good for a nice summer day.
3.1 Bottle: Pours light, pale yellow...cloudy with a tall white head. Sweet lemon, bubblegum aroma. Taste is wheat malt, yeast, dusty clove spicing. Pretty good......thin.
3.4 strange aroma - definitely funky, yeasty, some banana and theres something from the spices thats nutty/woody - some graininess there too - very light yellow - flavor isn’t that big - spices/yeast add a dry tangy twist but not a lot of dimension even at 4.6-mainly lightly creamy, grainy, and yeasty, little bit of cheerios - very light wit - not bad overall, definitely refreshing, but the spices seem a bit jumbled in the flavor and aftertaste, could use a bit more body - but the good qualities are amplified when consumed cold on a hot night - interesting aroma
3.1 Pours muddy gold, small white head. Heavy clove and light bubblegum. Basically per style, the body seems a bit to full tho. Meh.
3.7 Bottle sample at the Weyerbacher tasting at Blacklick Wine & Spirits on 6/12/14. Pours clear yellow with a thick white head. Aroma of herbs, citrus malt and funk. Sweet malt and citrus flavor with an herbal and sweet finish.
3.4 Hazy yellow color , white medium head. Aroma of wheat , spices , yeast and citrus. Orange, banana , wheat and spices in taste. Sweet with minimal bitterness in finish. Light body , medium carbonation. Bread and fruits in aftertaste. Nice refreshing beer.
3.3 From a bottle. Pours bright clear gold with a bubbly, frothy white head. Smells like musky, floral wheat and lemon. Light/medium body and low carbonation. Tastes like creamy lemon, wheat, light dryness.
3.7 Bottle. Pours clear pale gold with creamy white head. Aroma is banana, bready malts, floral hops, lemon zest, and faint cloves. Flavor is chewy malt base, citrus esters, bananas, and floral notes; dry finish. Light/medium body and medium carbonation.
3.1 Bottle from a random store. Pours a hazy golden with thin cream colored head. Aroma of spice and lemon. Taste of spice and yeast.
3.4 12 ounce bottle A pleasant session beer from Weyerbacher was perfect for a comfortable Memorial Day weekend. While it does not necessarily stand out from others this typical American interpretation of a Belgian session retains a nice refreshing touch. Aroma / Appearance - Golden and cloudy in appearance, the pour leaves a glass full of sunshine on the table. Carbonated white head bubbles with a very active purpose. Lemon peels, citrus, light yeast, and fruity esters from a ripe banana emerge with little effort. Flavor / Palate - Yeast, white bread, pepper, spices, and lemon zest refresh the palate. A transition full of pep perks up the senses. A decent wit then fails to follow through as it fades quickly on the back of the throat. Ultimately though this is perhaps one of Weyerbacher’s least offensive releases and therefore worth trying if you are in their market.
3.4 12oz single bottle from Crossroads. Poured an ugly milky pale yellow with anaaverage sized fizzy bright white head. Aroma is the best part about this beer. Notes of banana, clove, wheat, touch of bubble gum. Body is on the light side with very light carbonation. Flavor is like the aroma watered down. Solid beer all around.
2.0 Poured from 12oz bottle. Decent take from Weyerbacher on the belgian wit style. Nice taste with a good mouthfeel. Would highly enjoy on a warm summer day. --you've been Dubbed.
2.8 Sample at the brewery. Light pale yellow pour. Aromas are sulfuric, at first, but they mellow with a bit of age so I won’t think too poorly of them since this is a new batch. Lemon, sour citrus, hints of candied sugar. Not that great.
2.9 Bottle from Neons. Mostly clear golden color. Thin white head. Fine particles in the body. Smooth crisp lighter carbonation, light to medium body. Lightly slick. Good Belgian yeast aroma, lighter spice for a wit. Head fades to Minimal. Solid, smooth wit.
4.5 Wonderful wit, not too sweet with just the perfect amount of coriander. Pours perfectly, a little hazy with a nice frothy head. A little high on the carbonation for my usual liking, but I can look past this because of the wonderful taste. Looking forward to next summer!
3.5 Long Island, NY - 12 oz. bottle poured a hazy bling with fluffy white head. Aroma was sweet with citrus and spice, refreshing. Tate was mellow with just the right amount of coriander peeking through. Very good brew, not amongst the big boys (DFH, Allagash) but very good!
3.8 Crisp and tart. Tiny bubbles, frothy white head. Sweet with a lot of spice. Really nice.
3.1 2013.11.18 - Weyerbacher White Sun - 12oz bottle in pint glass. Not going to go into a bunch of detail... I’m not a big fan of the style but I do enjoy most Weyerbacher brews so I gave it a shot. Smells a bit like Weyerbacher Seventeen, minus the pepper. Similarly tastes kind of like that. Basically a light golden ale, smells a bit peppery but more citrusy lemon or orange, and the taste has the elements listed on the label... But overall too light for me. Granted it’s intended as a summer session-y beer and is probably pretty good in that role. 7/2/6/3/13
2.5 Bottle from the Craftsman, Harrison, NY. Hazy pour. No head, city's aroma. Sharp, fruity taste. Not my style.
3.3 Appropriate light yellow color, quickly fading head. Aroma clearly of coriander and orange peel. Taste had light coriander, some orange notes, but lacked the wheatiness that I expect.
3.0 Location/Date:Bottle on September 8th, 2013. Appearance:Pours a yellow cloud. Aroma: Aroma of lemon, light wheat, light yeast. Taste: Lemon, wheat, not too much depth. Palate:Light body, light fizz. Summary: An okay take on a witbier, not the depth of flavor I usually look for in these but I get the idea of having it for summer.
3.2 Serving: 12oz. bottle from Total Wine Sterling. It pours a hazy gold with a small white head. The nose is a pleasant mix of yeast, lemon, and orange. Light to medium body. Smooth on the tongue with light dough, yeast, lemon, and orange notes. Refreshing.
3.3 Bottle. Light hazy gold with a thin white head. Aroma is yeasty and fruity. Taste is lots of spices and yeast with a strong citrus and some breadiness in the finish. Lightly tart. Palate is delicate but substantial enough. Pleasant enough.
3.0 Bottle. Pours cloudy yellow with white head ring. Nose and taste of canned peach/mango, banana, wheat malt, light peppercorn, seltzer and lemonzest. Thin watery body. Okay.
3.7 Pours a hazy pale yellow with a thin head. The aroma is very nice with sour fruit and a bit funk. The flavor grew on me, at first I thought it was a bit bland but the more I drank the better it got. Lemony up front and a peppery back. Very nice after taste, dry and refreshing.